Partindo de uma relação particular entre cinema e teatro, o presente estudo analisa o modo como, numa amostra de dez filmes, se constrói um elogio ao teatro. A relação procurada corresponde a considerar filmes de temática teatral, nos quais o teatro surge como termo indispensável para o desenrolar da acção.
Para estes dez filmes, de origens, realizadores, e épocas diferentes, questiona-se a existência de um elogio e, caso afirmativo, averigua-se como o elogio resulta de empregar estratégias específicas de valorização do teatro.
The present study - How the cinema praises the theatre- builds upon two major ideas. The first is that the act of paise involves both the intentionality and the informed reflection of those producing the praise. The second is that theatre and cinema are two mechanisms by which some films praise the theatre is attempted. The films chosen for analysis are requires to have in common the fact of possessing in their narrative structure some theatrical element indespensable for the action to proceed.
Taken a sample of feature films from different director, countries and years, it is found that all of them present, in some way, a praise to the theatre. therefore, it is argued if this praising ability can be a consequence of the narrative options, rather than of a certain aesthetics or timely interest in theatre.